The City of Fresno has the responsibility to appoint individuals to a variety of boards, commissions, and committees that support many areas of day-to-day business as well as future planning. 3678 filed by SARAH KING, proposing to allow the installation of a new unmanned telecommunications facility in a … The Planning Commission is the Board's advisor on land use planning. 7912, CSA 35CN - Pendleton & Troutdale-Riverdale, Tract No. The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. On other issues the Commission’s decisions are final unless appealed to the Council. Item 2 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) — Fresno City Council and city planning commission meetings have moved online to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. City of Fresno Planning Commission. 5276, CSA 35CL - Bethel Avenue, south of Shaw, Parcel Map No. Agenda Action Summary - Planning Commission - November 19, 2020 . Search ordinances, resolutions, and other legislation. I predict City Hall will be successful. For more info, call 559-621-8277. Supervising Planner confirms that no routing is required. It is a preliminary draft of the agenda packet, meaning that it is subject to change until 72 hours before the meeting. 29. If you have a life-threatening emergency, please dial 9-1-1. Fresno City Council, Planning Commission and other public meetings are going virtual, but you’ll still be able to watch them all on CMAC’s TV and digital platforms! A Variance is required to allow the installation of a 6-foot-high fence within the front-yard and street side-yard setback. 5) (APN 313-172-10). For Planning Commission meeting agendas and minutes prior to February 13, 2014 please review the Planning Commission Archives. … To reduce the minimum parcel size within the AL-20 (Limited Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District to allow creation of an approximately 3.56-acre parcel from an existing 27.51-acre parcel that is dual zoned AL-20 and R-C-40 (Resource Conservation, 40-acre minimum parcel size) The subject parcel on the south side of Rainbow Avenue, approximately 1,204 feet west of its nearest intersection with Riverbend Avenue, and is approximately 1.37 miles northeast of the nearest city limits of the City of Sanger (SUP. Dist. DIST. Attire of those on screen ranged from casual (t-shirts) to professional (button up shirt, p If appealed, the project goes to Planning Commission. Here at the Legislative Information Center, you can search for and browse: LEGISLATION. The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. August 21, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm « KFCF Board of Directors Meeting; Fresno City Council meeting » The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Employee Injury & Illness Prevention Handbook, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit – CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fresno City Planning Commission and the Fresno City Council, in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of the Government Code and in accordance with the procedures of Article 50, Chapter 15, of the Fresno Municipal Code, will conduct public hearings to consider Text Amendment Application No. PUBLIC HEARING— ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS ON TWO PARCELS OF LAND (WITH A COMBINED ACREAGE OF 5.36 ACRES) THAT ARE LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE FRESNO/TULARE LINE IN SOUTHEAST KINGSBURG. November 19, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Partner : Fresno County Office of Education, Auditor-Controller / Treasurer-Tax Collector, Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association, Housing Assistance Rehabilitation Program (HARP) Pre-App, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3), Fresno County Foreclosure and Trustee Home Sales, Regional Bicycle & Recreational Trails Master Plan, Development Services and Capital Projects, Creek Fire Plan Check and Permit Assistance, General Plan Review & Zoning Ordinance Update, Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling, Special Districts Budget Information & Vicinity Maps, CSA 7D - Clinton & Marty Avenues, Tract No. Action by the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to City Council in accordance with Section 15-5017 of the . (HASH DEVELOPMENT) A. Plans … There are no items for the Consent Agenda. P18-00486 : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fresno City Planning Commission, in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of … Consent Agenda. Supervising Planner determines whether DRC review is necessary. 4053 -  BROOKS RANSOM ASSOCIATES. Vacancies. Planner takes action to approve or deny. October 20, 2015. 4864, CSA 35BN - Whispering Willow Road, Parcel Map No. Planner signs off on plans or other necessary documents needed for building permit approval. 2272, CSA 35I - Bonadelle Sierra Highlands, Tract No. NOTE: This public hearing notice is being mailed to surrounding property owners within 1,000 feet of the project site pursuant to the requirements of FMC Section 15-5007. The Fresno Planning Commission unanimously voted at its Nov. 2 meeting to recommend the plan to the City Council. You will need to provide the following … The role of the Planning Commission is to advise the City Council and to make recommendations on the following planning related matters: Ensure that development within the City is consistent with the goals and objectives of the 2027 General Plan. 2272, CSA 35G - Squaw Valley Ranchos, No. Item 7 -  VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. City of Fresno Planning Commission. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing! Applicant makes necessary changes to the project and resubmits the exhibits. Applicant makes appropriate modifications and submits one set of plans to Planner. INITIAL STUDY APPLICATION NO. Wed 2 September 2020 Wednesday 2 September 2020 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM . For more info, call 559-621-8277. 4522 which permits the construct of a 500,000-gallon water storage tank with booster pumps at the existing well site on a 0.45- acre parcel in the R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zone District. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. 2238, CSA 35O - Granite Ridge, Tract Nos. 4522 & VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. 7738 & Tract Map No. Once all comments are received, Planner prepares approval documents. City Council Chambers 2600 Fresno Street, 2nd floor 6:00 pm. The Planning Commission has final authority regarding subdivision maps and parcel maps, certain zoning matters and development plans, and occasionally matters appealed either from the staff level or Board of Zoning Adjustment. The project also proposes to replace water services, install new 10-inch water mains to replace existing 6-inch and 8-inch water mains in selected areas of the Biola Community Services District, and replace all existing water meters throughout the District. Counter staff reviews the application and confirms use is allowed. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. For more complex projects, the developer can meet with the Development Review Committee (DRC) comprised of all of … June 5, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm « Mini-Convention organization meeting; Fresno City Council meeting » The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. If approved, Applicant is given conditions of approval. The Planning Commission on Feb. 7 took another step in City Hall’s epic effort to build effective lines of communication in The Curl. A planner will confirm within one week if the application is ready to submit. The seven-member Planning Commission (PC) plays a vital role in shaping the future development of Long Beach. 4086, 4087, 4088, 4089 - City of Clovis. I wish I knew more about this effort at City Hall. Membership Requirements . The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council regarding annexations, rezonings, code amendments and most General Plan-related matters. 4259, CSA 35AP - Parcel Map Nos. 5). Active Projects Temperance Roundabout UPDATE December 15, 2020 The City of Clovis is proud to announce the completion of the Temperance/Owens Mountain … 4883, CSA 35BS - North Armstrong Avenue, Parcel Map No. There are four project levels, each with an optimized process. Documenter: Loren Friesen The majority of the people on screen (about 10) were either commissioners or staff. City of Fresno Planning Commission. 4835, CSA 23 - Exchequer Heights, Tract No. Submit, Review or Search for an Application, Application Submittal Completeness Checklists. Dist. Meetings are open to the public. 2020 Meeting Calendar - Staff Report; Regular Agenda. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. Presentation by City Planner Greg Collins C. Commission Discussion D. Open for Public Comment 020-042-03S). Planning & Development Process. 7808, Item 3 -  VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets. 4050 filed -  BIOLA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT. 1 & 2 Estates Lighting, MD 2 - Western Waste Industries, Parcel Map No. Multiple Applications (i.e. The City of Fresno has established accountability, clear protocols, and authority for decision-making that align with the General Plan, Development Code, and pre-zoning. Current Planning and Environmental Analysis (559) 600-4497. Consent Agenda There are no items for the Consent Agenda. 7655, CSA 44A - Millerton Lake Home Village Sewer District, CSA 44D - Monte Verdi Estates Subdivision, CSA 50 - Auberry Volunteer Fire Department, CSA OV - Van Ness Blvd Nos. For more info, call 559-621-8277. All Del Rey Oaks residents are eligible to apply to be a Planning Commissioner. uffered at: 1000 Feet, Legal Notices, Owners 7801035 7801023s 7801024s 7801047s … They were zooming from (presumably) their home office or their bedroom, all of them at desks. 3959, 4914, 5024 & 5319, CSA 31E - Timber Ridge, Tract Nos. 4773 & 5218, CSA 31G - Quartz Mountain / Bretz Mountain Village Tract No. Problems with … 7665, CSA 35BO - Knobb Knoll & Doodle Bug, Tract No. Find 660 listings related to Planning Commission in Fresno on Members of the public may submit written comments as follows: by email to, by mail to the Clerk of the Planning Commission at 2220 Tulare Street, Sixth Floor, Fresno, CA 93721. And also a one-year time extension for Variance Application No. Meetings are open to the public. Planner prepares staff report. Director takes action to approve or deny and notices are sent to surrounding property owners (CUP only). ... approximately 150 feet west of the nearest city limits of the City of Fresno (6425 East Lyell Avenue) (Sup. The City of Fresno’s Legislative Information Center provides online access to Fresno City Council records between July, 2014 and present. Clear sorting; Clear filtering; Clear grouping; Group by Meeting Date; Group by Meeting Date (Month) Group by Meeting Date (Year) Group by Meeting Location Now Clovis Planning Commission 12/17/20 Up Next Clovis Planning Commission 12/17/20 @ 1:30 am. Meetings are open to the public. Item 1 - Public Presentations - This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Planning Commission on any matter within the Commission's jurisdiction and not on this Agenda. 3971, CSA 35AO - Country Living Estates, Tract No. Wed 2 September 2020 Wednesday 2 September 2020 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM . 1 State of California Office of Planning and Research. Hosted by Council Chambers, Fresno City Hall

The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. To allow the installation of a 6-foot sound-wall within the side yard setback (reversed corner lot) at the subject parcels, required as a mitigation measure of the City of Clovis Shaw Avenue widening project. If you wish to speak to the Planning Commission on an item by telephone, you should contact the City Planner, David Merchen at (559) 324-2346 no later than 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. address the Planning Commission on any matter within the Commission's jurisdiction and not on this Agenda.) 4932, 5403 & 5485, CSA 31F - Bretz Mountain, Tract Nos. For your convenience, the City of Clovis posts the Planning Commission agenda packets to the City website. Meetings are open to the public. The more simple a project, the quicker the review—some even approved over the counter. 2202, CSA 35CB - Coventry Avenue, Parcel Map No. 4977, CSA 35BX - North Francher Creek, Tract No. 5334, CSA 35D - Stanford, Appaloosa, Hacienda, Stetson & Marietta, CSA 35E - Squaw Valley Ranchos, Tract 5 - No. COVID-19: many events have been canceled or postponed, please check with the organizer the event status. The Fresno City Planning Commission considered this application at its meeting on May 20, 2020 and voted unanimously to approve the application. If the project is not appealed, Applicant can move forward. Regular Agenda . Dist. The Building Division will continue field inspections as needed. 7161, 7162 & 7144, CSA 35AR - Fairview Estates, Tract No. The Del Rey Oaks Planning Commission is appointed by the City Council for a four-year term. 4761, CSA 35BR - East Hammond, Parcel Map No. 7691, MD 5 - North Purdue Avenue, Tract No. For more info, call 559-621-8277. The City of Fresno’s straightforward approach identifies projects based on their complexity. Agenda - Planning Commission - December 10, 2020 Agenda Action Summary - Planning Commission - December 10, 2020. 7677. Item 6 - VARIANCE APPLICATION No. August 21, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm « KFCF Board of Directors Meeting; Fresno City Council meeting » The Planning Commission takes action on various planning issues. For additional information, please call: (559) 621-8277 4084 - C&A FARMS LLC, To allow the creation of a 1.18-acre parcel from an existing 40.00-acre parcel in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. 3670 - BAKER COMMODITIES INC. To allow a cooker, condenser and a hopper within the proposed 870 square-foot expansion to an existing building, temporary storage of meat and bone meal, and increase in the raw material processing throughput rates at an existing animal rendering facility on a 39.10-acre parcel in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. The Planning Commission is made up of 7 members of the community who serve 3-year terms. Search ordinances, resolutions, and other legislation. 3626 - JOHN EMMETT, to allow a solid waste processing facility consisting of an asphalt and concrete crushing operation that will produce recycled baserock, and have the subject materials stored onsite until it is delivered offsite on a 22.44-acre parcel in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. 4 & Parcel Map No. The Commission conducts public meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Council Chamber at 850 S. Madera Avenue. Meetings are open to … A Local Agency Formation Commission has been established in each county of California to serve as an impartial body responsible for overseeing the formation and boundary changes of cities … Planner signs off the document that allows the applicant to move to the Building Division for permits(if permits required). 4613, CSA 35N - Cherokee & Aztec Lanes, Tract No. Item 8 - UNCLASSIFIED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. The more simple a project, the quicker the review—some even approved over the counter. Woodside Homes owns about 78 acres in east-central Fresno; more specifically, we’re talking about a site on the east side of Fowler Avenue, between Clinton and McKinley avenues. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Planning Commission locations in Fresno, CA. Wed 17 June 2020 Wednesday 17 June 2020 6:00 PM - … Your Planning Commission Members are responsible for keeping the look and feel of Del Rey Oaks consistent with the standards set forth by the founders. PolicyLink, 2013 3 Fresno Local Agency Formation Commission. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. Item 1 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. For more info, call 559-621-8277. Planning Commission Apply Board Details Member Roster Description. There are four project levels, each with an optimized process. Conducts public hearings on planning issues including Conditional Use Permits, Site Plans and Vacations. Technical Advisory to SB 244. Within two weeks, the Planner verifies all conditions are met and Applicant inserts the site plan, building elevations and landscape plans in the construction set and schedules a meeting with the Planning Division and Traffic Division for permit sign-off. Open Public Hearing scheduled for 6:00 P.M. B. 2 records; Group. 1) (APN 025-041-37S). 2157, CSA 35F - Sierra Highlands, Tract No. Within one week, the Planner verifies all conditions are met and Applicant inserts exhibits into the construction set and schedule a meeting with the Planning Division for permit sign-off. rezone and CUP), Standalone environmental assessments (MND), Standalone environmental assessments ( the Planning Commission on Aug. 15 action by the Planning is. The first and third Wednesdays of the community who serve 3-year terms and. And other Services Mansionette No Division for Permits ( if Permits required ) 13, please... Including Conditional use permit application No sites are located on the North side of Shaw Avenue between Highland Avenue McCall! Optimized process Shockley Avenue, Tract No countless consumers can then do their own thing item... - Gooseberry Lane, Parcel Map No Tract Map No and outside agencies for comments and conditions documents. 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