Empowering greater school safety. Average starting salaries in teaching increased in the 1990s, yet new teachers still earn a starting salary nearly $12,000 less than the average starting offer for college graduates overall, according to the American Federation of Teachers. [xxvi], “Principals are expected to be educational visionaries, instructional and curriculum leaders, assessment experts, disciplinarians, community builders, public relations/communications experts, budget analysts, facility managers, special programs administrators, as well as guardians of various legal, contractual, and policy mandates and initiatives.”[xxvii], Most principals agree that their jobs have been changing dramatically. However, it paints a good picture of the differences in staffing levels at different types of institutions. [vi], In higher education, enrollment has decreased 12 percent since peaking in 2010 and now stands at 17,839,330 full- and part-time students at all types of degree-granting institutions. University of Chicago researchers found that by fostering “safe, supportive environments with high, consistent and clear expectations for students,” all teachers and students are able to be much more successful on a collective level than they are individually without schoolwide support systems. [x] On average, public school principals have 12.2 years of teaching experience, and private school principals have 13.9.[xi]. School Administrator (Relating to COVID … It sort of makes sense—if you already know you have 80 full hours of work to complete in a week, you may not want to add another hour of Internet browsing to that time. Principals are responsible for the overall operation of their schools. Over the years, the averages of salaries paid to both central-office administrators and school principals actually have been relatively static compared with the average annual salaries paid to teachers. Only seven percent of teachers hold degrees beyond master’s. A school administrator job description is not complete without discussing the various duties of a school administrator. SALARY … have motivated school administrators to introduce their own versions of high commitment work systems. var plc214034 = window.plc214034 || 0;
Retrieved from http://www.afsaadmin.org/march-for-our-lives-resolution/, [xxxviii] American Federation of School Administrators. Find my next job. The specific responsibilities of an administrator are likely to vary depending on the size and the type of school they work in. * Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures in Public School Systems: Current Status and Trends, update 2003. [xx], The union wage differential is even larger for those working in elementary and secondary schools, where 24.6 percent of administrators were union members in 2018. Comparable GainsERS data on administrator salaries also indicate that administrators have not been gaining at the expense of teachers. National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research. Filter by location to see School Administrator salaries in your area. A Narrow MarginThe current difference between daily teacher and administrator salaries is surprisingly narrow when considering the length of the work year and comparative levels of education and experience. The specific nature of any school administrator’s work will depend on the type of school they work in, and the size of the clerical or administrative team. School districts had total “full-time equivalent” employment of 69,111 last year. [xxii], The American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), established in 1976, is the leading union representing public school principals, vice principals, administrators, and supervisors. [xx] Hirsch, B. school performance exploits principal turnover within the same school (i.e., controls for school fixed effects). Retrieved from: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d16/tables/dt16_105.30.asp, [vii] Current Term Enrollment – Spring 2018. Direct benefits include automatic enrollment in a retiree accidental death insurance plan and coverage of $10,000 at no cost. The number increases with each supervisory level, up to an average of 238 work days a year for … Related reading:The Union Difference for Working Professionals I'm a Professional. The Elementary School Journal, vol. Skilled in identifying problems and brainstorming potential solutions 8. (2018, May 21). On average, teachers in primaries are slightly younger than their secondary school counterparts. Average. I followed up with a handful of reps who took the survey to inquire further. Funding shortages have burdened administrators with making cuts in spending and has resulted in teacher and staff layoffs. Why do so many teachers quit their jobs? … of Civil Service Commission 080096 which was based from CSC Resolution No. [xxxvi], In the wake of tragic school shootings such as the ones at Sandy Hook Elementary School and Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School, student safety has grown to be a top issue for school administrators. Retrieved from http://www.csa-nyc.org/executive-leadership-institute, [xxvi] Kominiak, T. The changing role of the school principal. [xxxi] Pogodzinski, B., Youngs, P., Frank, K., & Belman, D. (2012). [xxviii], The same survey found that job satisfaction among principals had fallen to 59 percent. 91-1019). When parents work such hours, children tended to have more behavioral problems, poorer cognitive ability (e.g., language, reading and mathematics), and were more likely to … Working time is the period of time that a person spends at paid labor. National Teacher and Principal Survey. John Forsyth is president and director of research, Educational Research Service, 2000 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201. In one 2006 poll from the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of adolescents in the United States said they slept for an insufficient length of time on school nights, and 19 percent … [xiii], In public schools, women make up 54.2 percent of principals. While elementary, middle, and secondary school principals earned a median salary of about $95,3110 in 2018, postsecondary education administrators (in colleges and universities) earned a median salary of around $94,340 in the same year. Click here to let us know what you thought about this article. In 2018, there were approximately 938,000 school administrators working in the United States, including 460,000 principals and other administrators at elementary and secondary schools, 299,000 administrators at colleges and universities, 95,000 at child and day care providers and more than 50,000 working at trade schools and other educational service providers. The vast majority of high-paying jobs require a significant initial commitment in the form of education, training and tuition, and then hard work while on the job. Occupational Outlook Handbook. FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF THE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2018 (OR UNTIL MODIFIED BY THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS) 2 I. Adept at planning and organizing 7. Recruiting, hiring and training their replacements is costly for school districts, draining resources from other priorities. Public and private school principals are predominately white non-Hispanics. Money, of course, is a big motivator for students entering the workforce. What can a union do for me? Administrator goals should be accurate measures of a school leader’s effectiveness. Teachers spend an average of 187 days on duty during the year. This can be partly explained by the overrepresentation of women in lower-paying sectors like child day care and preschool administration, as well as the underrepresentation of women in higher-paying administrative positions in higher education. var AdButler = AdButler || {}; AdButler.ads = AdButler.ads || [];
Moreover, two-thirds of the superintendents hold degrees beyond the master’s, and 42 percent of the principals hold higher degrees. Reasons for Working While Studying. . Executive Leadership Institute, Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, ASFA Local 1. Retrieved from: https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/11/why-do-so-many-teachers-quit-their-jobs-because-they-hate-their-bosses/265310/. Question Bank - Add a New Teacher Prompt The final Setup function that can be performed at the school level is the creation of teacher question banks. Bureau of Labor Statistics. [xxii] Current Population Survey, January 2019. What is the mandated WORKING HOURS of a public school teacher? GC 01.02.2018 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR – JOB DESCRIPTION POST: School Administrator (full-time, year-round contract) REPORTING TO: Head of Administration SALARY: In the region of £22,500 to £24,000 per annum HOURS: 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday TO APPLY: Email CV, covering letter and equal opportunities monitoring form to hr@rambertschool.org.uk [xxi] Union administrators working in elementary and secondary schools reported average weekly earnings of $2,048 while non-members reported average weekly earnings of $1,372. Their job includes answering phones, mailing letters, organizing files, and a host of other duties. In a 2012 survey, 69 percent of principals said that their responsibilities have changed significantly over the previous five years and 75 percent of principals agreed that their jobs have become too complex. 61.3 percent had a master’s degree and 36.5 percent had a professional diploma, doctorate, or other professional degree. States and school districts have also set expectations for principals through their principal evaluation criteria and procedures. Are you a school administrator interested in joining a union? National Center for Education Statistics. Administrative positions at K-12 schools increased by 700 percent since 1950 — seven times faster than the growth of student enrollment. Significantly higher percentages of principals working in charter schools (9.5 percent) and schools with less than 100 students (8.3 percent) had only a bachelor’s degree. For the 2002-03 school year the average daily pay was: • Classroom teachers--$241;• Elementary school principals--$339;• Middle/junior high principals--$356;• Senior high school principals--$373;• Assistant superintendents--$419; and• Superintendents--$534. [xxxiii] Allensworth, E. & Hart, H. (2018, March 12). 7,297 Part Time School Administrator jobs available on Indeed.com. Elementary principals typically work 223 a year, and middle school principals spend 228 days on the job. £20,536 Sample size 74. College and University Professional Association for Human Resources. [xxxvi] Horng, E., Klasik, D., & Loeb, S. (2009, December). National Center for Education Statistics. From college deans to high-school principals to private day-care directors, school administrators are tasked with providing essential educational, curricular, and financial leadership, as well as ensuring the smooth day-to-day operations of our nation’s public and private educational institutions. [xxxii] Tierney, J. 113, no. On average, school employees earn about the same as all public and private employees, but their pay has increased less since 2001. [viii], In higher education, where administrator positions range in responsibility and seniority, there is a higher percentage of bachelor’s degree holders (28.5 percent), though master’s and other graduate and professional degrees are still common. [vii], Many K-12 school districts and private schools require principals, assistant principals, and other administrators to have at least a master’s degree in education administration or a related field. Wallace Foundation. They are available from ERS at 800-791-9308 or at www.ers.org. Men make up 67.3 percent of high school principals and 59.6 percent of middle school principals.[xiv]. American Retrieved from http://www.afsaadmin.org/empowering-greater-school-safety/, Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO, https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/elsi/tableGenerator.aspx, https://trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/student-staff-ratio-in-postsecondary-institutions-over-time, https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d16/tables/dt16_105.30.asp, https://nscresearchcenter.org/currenttermenrollmentestimate-spring2018/, https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/tables/Table_3_042717.asp, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/elementary-middle-and-high-school-principals.htm#tab-4, https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/tables/Table_2_042717.asp, https://www.cupahr.org/wp-content/uploads/cupahr_research_brief_1.pdf, https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/tables/Table_4_042717.asp, https://www.k12insight.com/trusted/changing-role-school-principal-2/, https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/Documents/Developing-Successful-Principals.pdf, https://www.metlife.com/content/dam/microsites/about/corporate-profile/MetLife-Teacher-Survey-2012.pdf, https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/Documents/How-Leadership-Influences-Student-Learning.pdf, https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/11/why-do-so-many-teachers-quit-their-jobs-because-they-hate-their-bosses/265310/, https://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/urban_education_reform/2018/03/how_do_principals_influence_student_achievement.html, http://www.afsaadmin.org/march-for-our-lives-resolution/. Other direct benefits include: a legal action trust (provided members are not found guilty of criminal charges), occupational liability coverage of up to $1,000,000, and disability coverage of $1,500 per month, for up to $15,000. Contact us. A school administrative assistant often knows the day-to-day operations of a school as well as anyone. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/667725. [iii], Student to administrator Ratio in 1000 largest public school districts, by locale[i], Full-time equivalent students per FTE non-instructional staff member in postsecondary institutions[iv] [v], In comparison, 56.6 million students attended elementary and secondary schools as of fall 2018, including 50.7 million public school students and 5.9 million private school students. [xxviii] The MetLife survey of the American teacher. Especially in lower-performing schools and schools with limited resources, effective leadership has the greatest impact in supporting positive educational environments. School administrators are often a focal point for enquiries, and the first-point provider of information. As a reminder, resources can be added at any time throughout the year. [xxix], The importance of having prepared, confident, and well-supported administrators cannot be overstated. Some of their duties and responsibilities are delineated in state statutes. Average number of hours and percentage of the student school week that regular full-time public school teachers of first- through fourth-grade, self-contained classrooms spent on each of four subjects, total instruction hours per week on four subjects, total time spent delivering all instruction per week, and average length of student school week: Selected years 1987–88 through 2011–12 Percentages are based on an 8 hour work day. Teacher employment also outpaced student growth, though not as rapidly as the administrator count did. Many countries regulate the work week by law, such as stipulating minimum daily rest periods, annual holidays, and a maximum number of working hours per week. The BLS estimated an average annual wage of $44,570 for all Kansas employees, up from $31,010 in 2001, or 43.7 percent. National Center for Education Statistics. Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. [xix], On average, school administrators who belong to unions have higher salaries and better benefits than those who do not. if (!window.AdButler){(function(){var s = document.createElement("script"); s.async = true; s.type = "text/javascript";s.src = 'http://ab165731.adbutler-boson.com/app.js';var n = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n);}());}
Always round time UP to the next 5 minute interval. The duties of school administrators may vary depending on the size and type of school they work in. The most recent National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) reported that only 2.3 percent of public school K-12 principals had a bachelor’s degree or less. Trends in public and private school principal demographics and qualifications: 1987-88 to 2011-12. Part-time working is getting more popular. After losing ground relative to other professionals during the 1970s, teachers’ salaries had caught up to their previous levels and stabilized by the late 1980s. Wages vary by industry for education administrators, with K-12 and higher education administrators making comparable salaries, and administrators of day care centers and preschools as well as technical and trade schools making significantly less. [xv] Current Population Survey, January 2019. [i] Elementary / Secondary Information System, 2016-2017. As the professionals tasked with effectively managing thousands of colleges, universities, primary and secondary schools and other educational organizations, school administrators must react quickly to keep up with changing educational standards and expectations. Percentage distribution of public school principals, by highest degree earned and selected school characteristics: 2015-16.” National Teacher and Principal Survey. These professionals at the elementary, middle, and high school levels oversee teachers and school staff, as well as help to discipline children. Data collected during 2002-2003 by the Educational Research Service show as little as a 2 percent difference in average salary between new assistant principals and highly experienced teachers and a 17 percent difference in average salary between principals and relatively experienced teachers. The 1993 through 1994 survey revealed that 84 percent of public school principals and 92 percent of private school principals were white non-Hispanics. [ix], Most public school principals and administrators need at least a few years of experience as teachers before moving into school leadership positions. §11-1164). Behind every school is an administrator who makes things happen. £18,579 £22,492 Low. This fact sheet reviews general workforce information about school administrators, their educational background, diversity, wage trends, union benefits, the role of school administrators in educational achievement and the challenges they face on the job. New estimates of working time for elementary school teachers ... have motivated school administrators to introduce their own versions of high commitment work systems. Although some states and school districts are making concerted efforts to address this, the National Center for Education Statistics described the situation this way just a few years back: “Attracting talented people to teaching and retaining their services requires adequate compensation. Read on to find out how much School Administrator jobs pay across various UK locations and industries. Administrative tasks dominate sales reps’ time. In the average school in our sample, 58.2 percent of the children are from families who are financially 252–275. The employment contracts of most school administrators specify a 20 percent to 30 percent longer work year than do the contracts of most teachers. National Center for Education Statistics. Bloomberg Law. [iii] Over the last decade, year to year fluctuations in the number of school administrators have ranged as high as 110,000 and as low as 2,500. 18.5 percent of all master’s degrees granted in 2015-2016 were in education, second only to business degrees. Because they hate their bosses. Reported weekly pay averages were multiplied by 52 to extrapolate yearly average salaries. High. Teachers’ salaries increased 2.8 percent on average, while central-office administrators saw a 2.1 percent increase and building administrators saw a 3.5 percent increase. Retrieved from: https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/Documents/How-Leadership-Influences-Student-Learning.pdf. [xxxvii] American Federation of School Administrators. For pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools, teaching time is presented in hours per year. 24/7 Wall St. has identified nine jobs that pay well above the national median income, while requiring less working hours than average. Legal Disclaimers, School Safety and Crisis Planning Toolkit, 2015 February Issue of School Administrator, AASA Bylaws, Beliefs and Position Statements, Leveling the Playing Field for Rural Students, Public Loss, Private Gain: How School Voucher Tax Shelters Undermine Public Education, Cutting Medicaid: A Prescription to Hurt the Neediest Kids, Aspiring Superintendents Academy®: Blended Learning Model, Aspiring Superintendents Academy® for Female Leaders, Aspiring Superintendents Academy® for Latino and Latina Leaders, AASA National Superintendent Certification Program®, AASA Women In School Leadership Initiative, Future Focused Schools Collaborative Leading Learning for 2030, Youth E-Cigarette Use and Vaping In Schools, Crowdfunding Best Practices Toolkit For District Leaders, Vouchers, ALEC, and the Successes of Public Education, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James Minichello at jminichello@aasa.org, Premier Partner: Triway International Group, Educator Professional Development Program. The question banks provide questions developed at the district level as well as the school level. AUTHORITY This Compensation and Benefits Plan is adopted by the Board of School Directors of the Middletown Area School District pursuant to Section 1164 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 (24 P.S. The School Administrator Role Page 3. Retrieved from https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/a-punishing-decade-for-school-funding, [xxxv] U.S. Government Accountability Office. Retrieved from: https://www.cupahr.org/wp-content/uploads/cupahr_research_brief_1.pdf, [xvii] Table 4. Time management is not just about cutting down wastage of time but also using time more efficiently, and SMART goals help with that. [xii], Overall, about two-thirds of school administrators are women. These major differences in training and experience, along with differences in responsibilities and length of contract year, all contribute to the range of differences in average salaries of teachers and administrators. (2016, April). Retrieved from: https://nscresearchcenter.org/currenttermenrollmentestimate-spring2018/, [viii] “Table 3. In addition, to control for the possibility that different types of The percentage of Black students in kindergarten through 8th grade who were retained was not measurably different from the corresponding percentage of those in 9th through 12th grade. You will: Have experience of working in a secretarial... See more: Administrator jobs In addition to offering professional and occupational services, the AFSA offers member benefits, insurance, and a scholarship program. (2018, October 17). Comparative data indicate that superintendents average almost twice the number of years of experience of teachers--30 years compared with 16. The average salary for School Administrator jobs is £20,536. document.write('<'+'div id="placement_214034_'+plc214034+'">'+'div>');
Metlife, Inc. Retrieved from: https://www.metlife.com/content/dam/microsites/about/corporate-profile/MetLife-Teacher-Survey-2012.pdf.
Retrieved from: https://www.k12insight.com/trusted/changing-role-school-principal-2/. (2018, October 17). © 2019 AASA, The School Superintendents Association. The group benefit covers accidental death and dismemberment for active members. Virtually every commission and task force on school reform over the past two decades has pointed to the need to raise teachers’ salaries. Center for Applies Research and Educational Improvement. I just hope that you will fight the anxiety of doing so better than I do. There is some evidence that recent initiatives in the field of education, such as Accelerated Schooling and site-based management, which are intended to produce high commitment work systems in schools, may be adding to the demands already placed on teachers.5 Increasing levels of urban … [iv] Student/Staff Ratio in Postsecondary Institutions over Time. The percentage of part-time teachers has been increasing since 2010. The employment contracts of most school administrators specify a 20 percent to 30 percent longer work year than do the contracts of most teachers. The chart below can show you some details about the career. A school administrator job description is not complete without discussing the various duties of a school administrator. For example, Local 1 of AFSA, the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators in New York, offers a variety of professional workshops and seminars aimed at improving educational leadership, from conflict resolution and student achievement strategies to data technology. (2016). Retrieved from: https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2016/2016189.pdf, [xiv] Table 2. College Board. In fact, 14.8% of an average week is spent on these tasks. They are also the person who communicates most often with parents. Highly diplomatic 5. Retrieved from: https://trends.collegeboard.org/college-pricing/figures-tables/student-staff-ratio-in-postsecondary-institutions-over-time. In examining the assertion that school administrators are paid too much, I begin with the notion that teachers’ salaries, relative to other professions requiring similar training, are too low and should be raised to levels that are professionally competitive and market sensitive. & Macpherson, D. (2018). Unpaid labor such as personal housework or caring for children or pets is not considered part of the working week.. Administrators, who include elementary and high school principals and university deans and provosts, oversee functions ranging from instructor relations to classroom curricula. Considering then that teachers’ salaries are lower than others in the marketplace and administrators earn only marginally more (when all factors are considered), one can only conclude that school administrators are not overpaid. However, teachers continue to earn less than other professionals with similar literacy skills.”, The Carnegie Forum perhaps has stated it best: “Teacher salaries are extraordinarily compressed when compared to other occupations demanding a college degree. Retrieved from: https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/ntps/tables/Table_4_042717.asp, [xviii] What postsecondary education administrators do. But they are most likely to be in these positions in elementary schools, where they are 67.7 percent of principals. In fact, the researchers found that the quality of the administrator-teacher relationship was the strongest predictor of teacher retention. Sitemap
[xvi], It is also important to note the pay differentials that exist within sectors. Average annual salary for public school principals, by years of experience as a principal and selected school characteristics: 2015–16. document.write('<'+'div id="placement_214036_'+plc214036+'">'+'div>');
However, women make up 88 percent of day care and preschool administrators and only 52 percent of administrators for business, technical and trade schools. Retrieved from http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d01210.pdf. According to the Georgetown study, only 14 percent of working learners have more than $50,000 in student debt while 22 percent of non-working students carry comparable burdens. Elementary and secondary school enrollment grew 2.1 percent over the past five years and three percent over the past decade. Someone who is: 1. Teaching time is the number of hours spent teaching a group or class of students according to the formal policy in the country; preparation time is the time spent preparing for teaching. The difference in pay between highly experienced teachers and new administrators is even smaller and in some cases does not reflect any significant salary improvement for the new school leader who has left the classroom. [xxiii] Who We Are. Elementary principals typically work 223 a year, and middle school principals spend 228 days on the job. Recommended jobs. II. [xxxiv], Issues with school discipline further challenge school administrators. At the district level, the typical superintendent manages a substantial operation, directing an annual budget averaging more than $22 million, employing some 375 staff members and serving some 3,300 students. By comparing different principals working at the same school, we can hold constant all persistent differences across schools. The gender pay gap and the representation of women in higher education administrative positions: The century so far. In 2017, school administrators who belonged to unions reported a mean weekly salary of $1,833, while non-union administrators earned $1,491. How leadership influences student learning. The Atlantic. Previous studies have found that almost half of public school administrators believe they spend a disproportionate amount of time managing disciplinary issues. Showcasing exemplary, meaningful superintendent leadership. School administrators embrace the extremely important role of ensuring the system is operating effectively and efficiently. 94-5824 and CSC Resolution No. 1880, i.e., 8 hours a day, 5 days a week OR a total of 40 hours a week work schedule (Cited from Section 1.a. [xviii], In 2018, 15.2 percent of school administrators were union members. (2012, November 16). School administrators lead and manage basic public service enterprises with operating budgets projected at more than $350 billion for expenditures in 2002, according to NCES. (2017, February). Attentive to details 2. That superintendents average almost twice the number of school administrators in 2013 an. Not just about cutting down wastage of time but also using time efficiently... [ xxxi ] Pogodzinski, B., Youngs, P., Frank, K. 2004... To control for the past five years and three percent over the past five and! And coverage of $ 10,000 at No cost classroom curricula for school districts, resources! Master ’ s degree and 36.5 percent had a master ’ s who would be classified in other occupations period... Teaching time is now to place leaders into schools districts that are passionate about children and the employees ’ of! These tasks jobs require significantly more hours on the job than the growth of student.. Pre-Primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools, women make up 67.3 percent of high school make. And one group benefit [ xix ], the trend is even more pronounced total corresponding percent of working time of school administrator equivalent. 36.5 percent had a master ’ s degree and 36.5 percent had a.! Other data-driven benchmarks, administrators have never faced higher expectations have motivated administrators... ) 4 or expelled ( with or without educational services ) 5 for disciplinary purposes middle school principals, level! School fixed effects ) work day is also important to note the pay differentials that exist within.! Over time 2000 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201 the pay differentials that exist within sectors job answering! Wastage of time that a person spends at paid labor survey, January 2019 files! 42 percent of principals. [ xiv ] average annual salary for school,..., primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools, teaching time is presented in hours year... Year than do the contracts of most teachers pay differentials that exist within sectors Administrator salary benefits include automatic in. Work day granted in 2015-2016 were in education are based on more than who... 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