You can find this on any pricing authority statement or your prescription submission document (FP34c). OCC currently commission the following services from Community Pharmacy: We hope this will help you to prioritise services and provide the time and space to think about how you will adjust to ‘new normal’ ways of working. This service is due to restart during November 2020. The following links take you to pages that contain template service specifications (some are nationally agreed templates, others are draft templates that have not been nationally agreed and are not in their final version) and associated resources on the service; they may be used to inform local discussions on service development. Examples of this service that have been commissioned locally are available on the PSNC services database. The Medicines Support Service will create better links between hospitals and community pharmacists by electronically sending discharge information. Community based service for the duration of the local commissioned service. London Note: WCPPE is not responsible for the content of any non-WCPPE websites referred to or for the accuracy of any information to be found there. The Council are re-developing and re-commissioning a range of Public Health services from organisations, known as Locally Commissioned Services, which will provide quality treatment and professional advice. PSNC Briefing 026/15: Contracts and Service Level Agreements (May 2015) 6 ... Show/Hide all pages in Locally Commissioned Services section. However, we may also use it to contact you in the future. These services are intended to meet the local health needs and enable patients to access services at their GP practice, rather than having to go to hospital. The mission of the Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission is to promote public health and safety by establishing the highest standards in the practice of pharmacy and to advocate for patient safety through effective communication with the public, profession, Department of Health, governor and the legislature. NHS England published six succinct documents on procurement of healthcare services in September 2012. Please review this document regularly. Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England’s local teams. Antiviral supply (Flu outbreaks and pandemic), Care Home (Support and Advice on Storage, Supply and Administration of Drugs and Appliances), Carers (including Carer-Friendly Pharmacies), Coeliac Disease – please also see Gluten Free Food Supply, Digital Minor Illness Referral Service (DMIRS), Domiciliary Support – please also see Post Discharge and Reablement, Gluten Free Food Supply – please also see Coeliac Disease, Medicines Assessment and Compliance Support, Medicines Optimisation (Including MUR Related Services), NHS Health Check (Vascular risk assessment and management service), On Demand Availability of Specialist Drugs (Availability of Palliative Care or other Specialist Medicines), Post Discharge and Reablement – please also see Domiciliary Support, Supervised Administration (Consumption of Prescribed Medicines). This morning’s Telegraph ran a front-page article on pharmacy’s ask for a greater role in the COVID-19 vaccination programme. This PSNC Briefing provides background information on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs). During the Covid19 pandemic, we are working with local commissioners to make sure that income from locally commissioned services is protected between 1 Apr – 30 September 2020. 18 Church Road Enhanced Services are those pharmaceutical services that are listed in The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) … 3 Local Teams. Keep up-to-date on the latest developments and key events in community pharmacy in Surrey & Sussex. This is being done to maintain income for when services may need to be stood-down due to business continuity arrangements, or because of guidance from the NHS. Locally Commissioned Services Locally Commissioned GP services includes contract documentation, service specifications, templates and guidance relating to primary care services we commission. • To offer the locally commissioned community pharmacy stop smoking service including the supply of Varenicline on a Patient Group Direction and to achieve the targets agreed for stop smoking 4 week quits. PSNC sends regular emails to help ensure community pharmacy teams don’t miss any key information, guidance and resources. Our mission, is to be the champion of our contractors, giving them a collective voice to ensure local community pharmacy teams become an effective integrated part of the rapidly evolving primary healthcare sector. The pharmacy must make the monitor available to the Community service for calibration at least once each year, or more frequently as advised by the Community Service. Q&A for Locally Commissioned Services – Pharmacy Please be advised that this document will hold the general questions and responses that are raised throughout the application process. This helps contractors make an informed decision to provide a locally commissioned service, or not. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Website feedback form This is being done to maintain income for when services may need to be stood-down due to business continuity arrangements, or because of guidance from the NHS. Locally commissioned services: summaries of specifications All services are undertaken by trained pharmacy staff, who have completed the required accreditations. Leatherhead OYES referral for Varenicline through Pharmacy, Emergency Hormonal Contraception (via PGD Levonorgestrel and Ulipristal Acetate), Chlamydia screening and treatment ( via PGD), Emergency Hormonal Contraception (via PGD Levonorgestrel), Chlamydia screening and treatment (via PGD), Alcohol Intervention and Brief Advice Service. PSNC Briefing 002/13: Public Services (Social Value) Act (January 2013) UPDATE: Isle of Wight locally commissioned services Written by RichardBuxton on Wednesday 23rd May 2018 Contracts have now been made available for providers to declare an expression of interest in. This new rule establishes the criteria for a pharmacy to provided services at multiple off-site locations. Tools and publications which may be useful to support the commissioning of this service can be found on the Service development tools and publications hub. We hope this will help you to prioritise services and provide the time and space to think about how you will adjust to ‘new normal’ ways of working. To provide services, pharmacies must be on the Oxfordshire Approved Provider List, click here for full details. Q&A for LCS Pharmacy Date of Question 1 Do all pharmacists (other than when it specifies just a service The F-Code or ODS code is the the unique code issued to your pharmacy which identifies you to NHS Prescription Services. For more details please see our Privacy Notice. PSNC Briefing 094/13: Local commissioning challenge checklist (September 2013) PSNC Briefing 098/13: Guide to the NHS Standard Contract (September 2013) Consumer Protection Offices. Which commissioner will commission a specific service from community pharmacy and how? From Business: Refill your prescriptions, shop health and beauty products, print photos and more at Walgreens. Note Covid-19: This information is subject to change at short notice. At the end of this scrutiny process a summary is shared with contractors who have expressed an interest in providing the service to highlight the key points for their attention and consideration. See the appropriate page for the relevant documentation. Find out the latest on pharmacy funding and NHS statistics. Briefings published by PSNC covering topics such as opening hours, regulations, and NHS IT matters. Where pharmacy contractors choose to use the NHS identity, they must ensure that the revised guidance is adhered to when producing, updating or replacing designs. Read here for more information on the new processes required to be followed this year by the CCG and Public Health commissioners. Tuition and stipend are covered for the majority of PhD students throughout training with the help of funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the pharmaceutical industry, foundations, and regulatory agencies. Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local NHS England teams. Oxfordshire – Locally Commissioned Services. SSA Methadone/Buprenorphine locally commissioned service (LCS) specification 2015 10 4.2.1 SSA methadone/buprenorphine will be provided from the SSA contractor premises, located within the boundaries of the London Borough of Camden, who have been commissioned to provide this service. Essential, Advanced and Enhanced Services. PSNC receives requests for advice from LPCs each year on how to tackle commissioner’s decisions to decommission a service or determinations not to commission a service from community pharmacy. Local NHS England teams commission all services in the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF), i.e. Camden is committed to giving people choice and control about the services they receive and the lives they lead. The services commissioned to be undertaken by pharmacies in Cornwall. Guide listing all services across Surrey, includes all locally commissioned services in Surrey: Guide listing all services across West Sussex, includes all locally commissioned services in Surrey: Guide listing all services across the East Sussex, includes all locally commissioned services: Guide listing all services across the Brighton & Hove, includes all locally commissioned services: Service evaluation tool for locally commissioned services. Report quota issues, Copyright © 2021 PSNC • Site designed and built by Jellyhaus. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"1f413100f8db29eb63fc4d84f","lid":"59b0e71d8a","uniqueMethods":true}) }), Not commissioned through community pharmacy. Sign up to our email newsletter(s) to receive the latest news, viewpoints and events directly to your inbox (sign up form at bottom right of the web page). consider what pharmacy professionals providing services in three different ways might do to change the number and type of errors found in care home environments; those providing services through the national contract, those providing locally commissioned services and those contracting directly with care homes, either individually or in clusters. The following sections and resources provide more information on locally commissioned services: Commissioning medicines optimisation services from community pharmacy – guidance for commissioners. Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local NHS England teams. We will use any personal information you provide in this form to deal with your request. This PSNC Briefing covers SLAs and how they apply to pharmacy contractors. NHS, Councils and Health Watch. Contract review and changes have been extended and the information below is still relevant. The White House The monitor must be returned to the Community Service if the service is terminated Report medicines shortage In January 2017 NHS England updated the guidelines on the use of the NHS Identity, including revised guidance for all primary care contractors who are commissioned under a primary care contract. Our monthly updates on dispensing news and guidance, plus a variety of factsheets. Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England’s local teams. These services are known as Locally Commissioned Services or LCS. Find out what’s happening in the wider NHS. The... People who are clinically extremely vulnerable, living in Tier 4, are being advised by the Government not to go to... NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) have, today (7th January 2021), written to NHS Trusts and other NHS bodies to... With contractors reporting that demand for flu vaccination had fallen away in many areas, in December 2020, PSNC asked the Department... Community Pharmacy Surrey & Sussex is committed to the highest standard of information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? The VA Puget Sound pharmacy processes over 8,300 prescriptions daily. Prescriptions may be refilled by phone or the Internet. In Surrey and Sussex, most commissioned services are public health services, commissioned by the public health team at the county councils and unitary authority. This PSNC Briefing provides advice on how to challenge these decisions. Communtiy pharmacists therefore have no easy means of identifying if one of their patients is in, or has recently been discharged from hospital. The new NHS structure which was implemented in April 2013 changed the arrangements for the commissioning of NHS services. Services may be commissioned locally either by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) or Local Authorities / Public Health teams (LAs). Alcohol IBA Emergency Hormonal Contraception Emergency Supply Minor Ailments Service Smoking Cessation & Supply of NRT Voucher Scheme Supervised Consumption & Interval Dispensing Palliative Care They might mediate complaints, conduct investigations, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulate professional service providers, provide educational materials and advocate for consumer rights. PSNC guidance for LPCs: Healthcare financial constraints are prompting the review of many locally commissioned services with the risk that some may be considered for decommissioning. In Surrey and Sussex most, most commissioned services are public health services, commissioned by the public health team at the county councils and … (Updated 31 March 2020; April 2020, 28 May 2020, 1 July 2020). Although we take all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to us from third parties is not defamatory or offensive, we cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. HLP Level -2 framework through certain Pharmacy. Locally commissioned services. EC1A 9LQ Surrey public health agreement service specifications, Surrey Essential Guide to Locally Commissioned Services- June 2020, Pharmacy service Checklist- Surrey- October 2020, Joint letter from SCC-LPC for Locally Commissioned Services in response to COVID-19 For Quarter 1 (April-June 2020), Joint Letter from SCC-LPC for locally commissioned services in response to COVID for Quarter 2 (July to September 2020), Joint letter SCC-LPC for locally commissioned service in response to COVID for Quarter-3 (October-December 2020), Joint letter SCC-LPC locally commissioned service in response to Covid for Quarter-4 ( January -March 2021), West Sussex County Council patient group directions, West Sussex Essential Guide to Locally Commissioned Services- July 2019, West Sussex pharmacy service checklist- October 2020, Email from WSCC to Community pharmacy in response to COVID-19 For Quarter 1, Letter from CGL to community pharmacy in response to COVID-19. Find out about locally commissioned community pharmacy services. • To support the national ‘Stay Well ’campaigns and help relieve pressures on other services … This briefing concentrates on the final stage of commissioning – the drafting and agreement of the written contract. 14 Hosier Lane Locally Commissioned Services Locally commissioned community pharmacy services can be contracted via a number of different routes and by different commissioners, including local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England’s local teams. Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Public Health Team. If you need more information please contact Follow @PSNCNews Locally Commissioned Services These can be found on the Community Pharmacy Wales (CPW) website or by going directly to the relevant health board website. We provide support, representation, guidance and advice to community pharmacies within the London boroughs of Camden & Islington. Locally Commissioned Services. Quarter 2 (July – Sep 2020), Brighton & Hove pharmacy service checklist – October 2020, Joint letter from B&H City Council -LPC for Locally Commissioned Services in response to COVID-19 For Quarter 1 (April-June 2020), Letter from B&H City Council -LPC for locally commissioned services in response to COVID for Quarter 2 (July to September 2020), Letter from CGL to community pharmacy in response to COVID-19. Services Offered Automated Refill Line. Local Authority Public Health Teams in Berkshire (Bracknell Forest Council, Slough Borough Council, Reading Borough Council, Wokingham Borough Council, West Berkshire Council and The Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead) currently commission the following services from Community Pharmacy: EHC (Berkshire) (click here for information on EHC Accreditation) Service Specification 2019-22 … Where a pharmacy contractor is concerned about the potential for a locally commissioned service to be decommissioned, they should initially contact their LPC. The CPCF consists of nationally commissioned essential services (services that all pharmacies must provide) and advanced services (national services that can be provided by all pharmacies once accreditation requirements are met) and locally commissioned Local Enhanced Services (commissioned by local NHS England teams to meet certain needs identified in a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment). However, we give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this web site and accept no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information. Not currently commissioned from pharmacy. This portal provides links to websites for all Local Pharmaceutical Committees (LPCs). The Social Value Guide was published by Social Enterprise UK in November 2012; the guide describes the impact of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 in commissioning of services by public bodies. services ( such as key working, prescribing, hepatitis B immunisation, hepatitis and HIV screening, primary care services etc). Other commissioners cannot commission these services from community pharmacies. Quarter 2 (July -Sep 2020), Press coverage – pharmacies and C-19 vaccination, Pandemic Delivery Service restarts for patients in Tier 4, FAQs on COVID-19 vaccinations for pharmacy staff, 50-64 year olds being encouraged to get a flu vaccination. How to find us The following sections and resources provide more information on locally commissioned services: Guidance on development of local services and resources Quarter 1 (April-Jun 2020), Letter from CGL to community pharmacy in response to COVID-19. The... Update (06/01/2021) – Yesterday we informed contractors of a problem with the personal protective equipment (PPE) claim tab on the... PSNC Quarter 2 (July-Sep 2020), East Sussex County Council public health local service agreements (PHLSAs), East Sussex Essential Guide to Locally Commissioned Services- October 2020, East Sussex pharmacy service checklist – October 2020, Email from ESCC to Community pharmacy in response to COVID-19 For Quarter 1 (April-June 2020), Email from ESCC to Community pharmacy in response to COVID-19 For Quarter 2 (July-Sep 2020), Letter from CGL to community pharmacy in response to COVID-19. PSNC Briefing 027/15: Contracts and the NHS Standard Contract (May 2015) Procurement of healthcare (clinical) services: Briefings for CCGs This morning’s Telegraph ran a front-page article on pharmacy’s ask for a greater role in the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS), Smartcard Registration Authority contacts, Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire (CPPQ), Show/Hide all pages in Services and Commissioning section, Public Health (Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles), Repeat Dispensing/electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD), PSNC Briefings: Services and Commissioning, NHS Identity Guidelines: NHS logo use by pharmacies, Procurement of healthcare (clinical) services: Briefings for CCGs, PSNC Briefing 027/15: Contracts and the NHS Standard Contract, PSNC Briefing 026/15: Contracts and Service Level Agreements, PSNC Briefing 002/13: Public Services (Social Value) Act, PSNC Briefing 094/13: Local commissioning challenge checklist, Local Authority Health Scrutiny: Guidance to support Local Authorities and their partners to deliver effective health scrutiny, FAQs on COVID-19 vaccinations for pharmacy staff, 50-64 year olds being encouraged to get a flu vaccination, PSNC press coverage: Pharmacies and C-19 vaccination. WG Statistic Releases on Community Pharmacy Services Locally Commisioned Services All information on locally commissioned services including service specifications are on the Contractors Area of the website please use the link below: Join our mailing list for a weekly round-up of news and resources, plus price concession/NCSO alerts. KT22 8BB, Copyright © 2021 PSNC • Site designed and built by Jellyhaus. An automated refill line is available for all VA Puget Sound patients. Information - important references that are relevant across all SHIP locations For a summary of the arrangements by area click here. Where this is occurring in your area, it would be helpful if you could inform Melinda Mabbuttin order that PSNC is able to monitor this threat to pharmacy services from a na… Pharmacy-delivered Locally Commissioned Services: Public Health Managed Exiting the European Union Exiting the EU: Introduction Alongside protecting around £0.5m of local income in Surrey & Sussex, we have also agreed relaxation with local commissioners of measures such as monitoring and training. City, county, regional, and state consumer offices offer a variety of important services. Report product over Drug Tariff price Guidance on developing a service proposal, Service development tools and publications hub, PSNC’s locally commissioned services database, Commissioning vehicles for use by pharmacy contractors, Community Pharmacy – helping provide better quality and resilient urgent care, Pharmacists with a Special Interest (PhwSI). 1.2 Evidence Base 1.2.1 There is good evidence (See 1.2.5) that locally commissioned community based needle exchange services significantly complements and supports other needle exchange and harm minimisation Established in 1891, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission regulates the practice of pharmacy, and the distribution, manufacturing, and delivery of pharmaceuticals within and into the state. In early 2014, CCNC created a Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network (CPESN® Network) to broaden capacity for care management and medication optimization services, especially to the sub-population in greatest need of these services. During the Covid19 pandemic, we are working with local commissioners to make sure that income from locally commissioned services is protected between 1 Apr – 30 September 2020. Quarter 1 (April-June 2020), Letter from CGL to community pharmacy in response to COVID-19. Master’s degree students are primarily self-funded for their two-year program. PSNC Briefing 004/12: JSNA and JHWS (January 2012) Local Authority Health Scrutiny: Guidance to support Local Authorities and their partners to deliver effective health scrutiny (Department of Health, June 2014), View more Services and Commissioning news >. Please ensure your email address is correct. NHS Identity Guidelines: NHS logo use by pharmacies A re-launch event was held on 21st October 2020 and the slides from that event can be viewed here. There are five Advanced Services within the NHS community pharmacy contractual framework. Many of these prescriptions are filled by the Central Mail Out Pharmacy (CMOP). Surrey Alongside protecting around £0.5m of local income in Surrey & Sussex, we have also agreed relaxation with local commissioners of measures such as monitoring and training. The LPCs represent local contractors in negotiations for locally commissioned services and have developed this Service evaluation tool for locally commissioned services to help scrutinise each proposal / service specification. This PSNC Briefing provides information on the NHS Standard Contract and also on the Public Health Services Contract (non-mandatory contract). Pharmacy Hours: M-F 9am-1:30pm, 2pm-7pm, Sa-Su 10am-1:30pm,… For a summary of the arrangements by area click here. The Committee will seek to provide guidance and advice to contractors on each service locally commissioned and will seek to work with each Health and Wellbeing Board to ensure that community pharmacy can play its vital role in the provision of public health services. • Site designed and locally commissioned pharmacy services by Jellyhaus and HIV screening, primary care services etc ) to provide a commissioned... Key events in community pharmacy in response to COVID-19 hospitals and community pharmacists electronically! Sound patients advice on how to challenge these decisions be refilled by phone the... White House 18 Church Road Leatherhead Surrey KT22 8BB, Copyright © 2021 PSNC • Site designed built. Immunisation, hepatitis and HIV screening, primary care services etc ) in form! All VA Puget Sound patients services and resources locally commissioned services commissioner will commission a specific from. Refilled by phone or the Internet hours, regulations, and NHS matters! 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